Our team

Tatiana Bonneau

Tatiana brings a rich blend of marketing, IT, and branding experience of over 18 years to our team. An ultra trail runner with a passion for entrepreneurship and the excitement of living in different countries, her dynamic lifestyle is complemented by a loving family of four children, her husband, and pets including a cat named Odesa and Tuman, a doberman. Her extensive expertise and adventurous spirit fuel our strategic direction, making her an inspiring leader and visionary force.

Tsani Gramatikova

Tsani is a key member of our team, contributing in research, engagement, and content since our early days. Living in the tranquil countryside with her loving husband, curly-haired angel of a boy, and trio of crazy dogs, she brings a sense of calm and focus to our dynamic environment. With a background in mathematics, Tsani leverages her analytical skills to bring precision to our work. Outside of her professional pursuits, Tsani cherishes a good book and the soothing melodies of her favorite music.

Monica Stankova

Monica is our content specialist. She has been a vital part of our team since the very beginning. Passionate about technology, research, and content creation. When she's not crafting engaging content, Monica enjoys running in the mountains, spending quality time with her husband, their adorable daughter, and her yorkie, fully embracing the joys of motherhood and nature.

Arnaud Petit

Arnaud, a true Parisian and world traveler, brings a blend of charm and expertise to our marketing and communication efforts. With a passion for history and a flair for engaging storytelling, he crafts messages that resonate. A fitness enthusiast who's as dedicated to his workouts as he is to making marketing fun and sexy, Arnaud's unique perspective and vibrant personality add a touch of excitement and elegance to our team.

Artem Khyzhynskiy

Artem, our talented programmer, brings a unique blend of technical expertise and artistic vision to our team. With his background in photography, Artem has a keen eye for design that informs his work in programming. Beyond his technical skills, he's known for his readiness to lend a helping hand, making him an invaluable part of our team. Artem's passion for growing plants is not just a hobby; it reflects his nurturing nature and ability to cultivate growth in both gardens and digital landscapes.

Volodymyr Yanushkevych

Volodymyr is our go-to expert for all things related to audio and video editing, specializing in our podcast production. With over a decade of experience, he fine-tunes and enhances sound quality to ensure the best possible listening experience for our audience. His diverse skill set and meticulous attention to detail make every episode resonate with clarity and professionalism.

Gregory Morozov

Gregory is responsible for our server infrastructure management and cybersecurity worldwide. Handling all the "serious stuff," he ensures our digital assets are robust and secure. His commitment to technological excellence makes him an invaluable part of our team, safeguarding our online presence.


Interested in joining our team? We're always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our passion for technology and innovation. If you think you have what it takes to contribute to our success, we'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out via the contact page.